Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Learn the proportions of the religions of the Kurdish people

More than 55 million Kurds lives now around the world, They are an ancient peoples who have lived in the Middle East region and have embraced many religions in the current era.
Although they are originally Zoroastrian (a very old non-heavenly religion), most of them are converted to Islam according to the Sunni sect in the present era, while others owe it to Islam according to the Shi'a or Alawite doctrine or other religions such as Christianity, Yazidism, Magi and Judaism. Few of them have their Zoroastrian non-heavenly religion, as well as a clear percentage of non-religions and atheists

Magi Jewish Yazidism Zoroastrian  Christians Alawiti Islam Shiiti Islam Sunni Islam
---- ---- 6% 1% 1% 2% ---- 90% Syria
2% 6% 4% 1% 1% 6% 10% 70% Iraq
---- ---- 2% ---- ---- 7% 1% 90% Turkey
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 10% 80% 10% Iran
---- ---- 39% 1% 10% ---- ---- 50% Armenia
*Approximate proportions*

Note: The environment of the general thinking of the Kurdish people supports secularism in all their lands. There were no small differences between them because of the religious orientations of one group against another group for very long periods, and They put nationalism above religion, parties and other divisions.

تعرف على نسب ديانات الشعب الكوردي

يتجاوز تعداد الأكراد حول العالم الـ55 مليون نسمة و هم من الشعوب العريقة والقديمة التي سكنت منطقة الشرق الأوسط الحالية و اعتنقوا خلال الحقبة الزمنية الحالية العديد من الديانات تتالت مع التأثيرات التي شهدتها المنطقة و رغم أنهم بالأصل زرادشتيون (دين قديم جداً غير سماوي) إلا أن معظمهم معتنقون للإسلام وفقاً للمذهب السني في العصر الحالي فيما يدين الآخرون بالإسلام وفق المذهب الشيعي أو العلوي أو بديانات أُخرى كالمسيحية و اليزيدية و المجوسية و اليهودية فيما حافظ قلة منهم على دينهم غير السماوي الزرادشتية, بالإضافة إلى نسبة واضحة من اللادينيين و الملحدين

مجوس يهود يزيدية زرادشتية مسيح اسلام علوية اسلام شيعة اسلام سنة
---- ---- 6% عامودا \عفرين  1% 1% 2% المعبطلي و مناطق الساحل ---- 90% سوريا
2% 6% 4% شيخان \سنجار 1% 1% 6% الحافة الشمالية الغربية 10% مناطق الجنوب 70% العراق
---- ---- 2% ---- ---- 7% 1% 90% تركيا
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 10% 80% 10% إيران
---- ---- 39% 1% 10% ---- ---- 50% أرمينيا
*النسب تقريبية*

ملاحظة: البيئة لتفكيرية العامة للشعب الكوردي تؤيد العلمانية في كافة أراضيهم فلم تحدث أي خلافات مهما كانت صغيرة بينهم  بسبب التوجهات الدينية لجماعة ضد جماعة أخرى طوال فترات طويلة جداً و هم يضعون القومية فوق الدين و الاحزاب و التقسيمات الاخرى

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Learn about the most important flags of the Kurds

Great Kurdistan's Flag:

It is the flag that the Kurdish people consider the flag of their major state, which is land, has become parts of five current countries, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and a small part of Armenia called Red Kurdistan.

The red color refers to the blood of the martyrs, the green is for the nature of Kurdistan, the white is for peace and the yellow sun to the religion of the Zoroastrian sacred to them, in addition there are 21 rays of the sun and is a sacred number for them which is the day of Newroz.

Flag of PKK:

It was founded in 1978 in Turkey under 
the leadership of Abdullah Ocalan as an opposition party to the repressive regime of Turkey.

The Flag of Autonomy for Northern and Eastern Syria:

An autonomous region protected by the SDF was gradually established after the areas were regained from ISIS control.

Flag of the Democratic Union Party

A Syrian Kurdish party, founded in 2003, the leader is Saleh Muslim, whose goals are democratic socialism, municipal independence, anti-nationalism and socialist ecology.

Flag of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Iraq) :

A liberal nationalist party founded in 1946 by Mustafa Mulla Barzani.

Flag of the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (Iran) :

An Iranian Kurdish party was founded by Osman Ocalan, the younger brother of leader Abdullah Ocalan, in 2004 as a result of Iran's repressive rule, and it aims to grab autonomy for the Kurdish regions in Iran.

Flag of the People's Democratic Party(Turkey):

A  Kurdish Turkish leftist party aims to consolidate justice and democracy among the different colors of Turkey. It was founded in 2012 and is headed by leader Saladin Dmartash whose  now detained in Turkey's prisons.

Flag of the SDF (Syrian Democracy Forces) :

Founded in 2015, it is a multi-component alliance whose goals are a secular Syria with a federal democratic system, and it's related to the Democratic Union Party.
The leader is the General Mazlum Abdi.

Flags of the YPG and YPJ :

Two Kurdish military groups founded in 2004, one for men and one for women,
they forms the backbone of the SDF.

تعرف على أهم أعلام الأكراد التي يرفعونها في المظاهرات

علم كوردستان الكبرى

و هو العلم الذي يعتبره الشعب الكوردي
 علم دولتهم الكبرى التي تتمثل بأرض صارت أجزاء من خمس دول حالية وهي تركيا وإيران سوريا و العراق و جزء صغير من أرمينيا يدعى بكوردستان الحمراء
اللون الأحمر لدم الشهداء و الأخضر لطبيعة كوردستان و الأبيض للسلام و الشمس الصفراء إلى ديانة الزرادشتية المقدسة لديهم بالإضافة هناك 21 شعاعا للشمس و هو رقم مقدس عندهم و من أهم دلالاته يوم عيد النوروز 

 PKK علم حزب العمال الكوردستاني 

تأسس عام 1978 في تركيا بزعامة عبدالله أوجلان كحزب معارض لنظام الحكم القمعي

 :علم الإدارة الذاتية لشمال و شرق سوريا 

منطقة حكم ذاتي محمية من قبل قوات سوريا الديمقراطية تم إنشائها تدريجيا بعد استعادة المناطق من سيطرة تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية.

علم حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي:

حزب كوردي سوري تأسس عام 2003 و هو بقيادة صالح مسلم أهدافه اشتراكية ديمقراطية و استقلال البلديات و معاداة القوموية و ايكولوجيا اشتراكية.

علم الحزب الديمقراطي الكوردستاني :

حزب قومي ليبرالي من الأحزاب
 الرئيسية في كردستان العراق أسسه الخالد مصطفى ملا البارزاني عام  1946

علم حزب الحياة الحرة الكوردستاني 

حزب كوردي إيراني تأسس على يد أوسمان أوجلان الأخ الأصغر للزعيم عبدالله أوجلان عام 2004 نتيجةً للحكم الإيراني القمعي و يهدف إلى انتزاع إدارة ذاتية لمناطق كوردستان في إيران.

علم حزب الشعوب الديمقراطي

حزب يساري كوردي تركي يهدف إلى ترسيخ العدل والديمقراطية بين مختلف ألوان تركيا تأسس عام 2012 و يترأسه الزعيم صلاح الدين دمرتاش و هومعتقل الآن في سجون تركيا

علم قوات سوريا الديمقراطية :

تأسست عام 2015 و هو تحالف متعدد المكونات أهدافها سوريا علمانية ذات نظام فيدرالي ديمقراطي.

علم وحدات حماية الشعب الكوردية

تأسست عام 2004 و هي تتشكل من وحدتين وحدات حماية الشعب و وحدات حماية المرأة و تشكل العمود الفقري لقوات سوريا الديمقراطية

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Farther Look Of The Syrian War

Syria War
Described the warfare, as a web involves dozens of confounding alliances and changing dynamics, actors. But whilst the warfare is complicated, making sense of it is vital to understanding the turmoil in the region, Protests escalated and the regime reacts with latest Paris attacks. 

Here are the fundamentals decoded. How it began The Syrian war started in Protests escalated and the regime reacts with inside Daraa's city. Protests escalated and the regime reacts with torture, arrests and killings. As the major rebel group, the Army that was Free emerged in July 2011 to battle the regime. Comprised of defectors from the armed forces, the battle was escalated by the FSAs successes in seizing equipment and military bases rapidly. By 2012 that is early, an off shoot of. It escalated - 2012 saw the creation an off shoot of the sectarian group al Qaeda in Iraq, of a rebel group, Jabhat al Nusra. 

The dynamic changed, turning the battle sectarian and unleashing suicide bombings, though not the group that was new to emerge currently. The Syrian war didn't with the encroachment of regional actors however it rapidly became one, particularly with the encroachment of regional actors. By mid-2012, assistance buoyed the Assad regime from time ally and after that by fighters from Iran in neighbouring Lebanon, backed Hezbollah. In the mean time, that the Kurdish minority in north east Syria, which had thus far prevented involvement, announced its own autonomous region in Rojava, in resistance to both Assad along with the other rebel groups like that the Kurdish minority in north east Syria, which had thus far prevented involvement, announced its own autonomous region in Rojava, in resistance to both Assad along with the other rebel groups Islamic rebel groups, that the Kurdish minority in north east Syria, which had thus far prevented involvement, announced its own autonomous region in Rojava, in resistance to both Assad along with the other rebel groups stream of arms and cash. 

In the mean time, From bad to worse - Exploiting fractures along with rivalries among rebel forces, Assad pummelled resistance, militants along with civilians alike along with in August 2013 established a Sarin chemical weapons attack on that the Ghouta agricultural belt around Damascus. The US president, Barack Obama, formerly had identified chemical weapons as a red line, but potential. Around 1, 400 people were killed. Indeed, when US airstrikes in Syria did start the attacks on were averted Indeed, when US airstrikes in Syria did start the wherein Indeed, when US airstrikes in Syria did start the programme. Year, they didn't aim the Syrian regime, but a newly appeared rebel group: the subsequent year, they didn't target the Allied regime, but a newly appeared rebel group: the Islam State in Iraq and Syria .